Sunday, September 13, 2020

Pennisula of the Skull

 Somewhere in the vast erotic jungles of the Bodyverse. 

Jospehine gets a rude awakening. Like some bizarre plot twist the High Ghoul of the his cult reveals himself to her: "I'm Arvo you remember my sweet jewell Josephine?" 

Josephine stands on a small fungi like hand outgrowth within the jungle. She gapes "I thought you died Arvo of Skull Island." 

"No,I didn't my little Jewel of the Jungle." 

Josephine stands erect her green eyes blazing as she grasps the bolas. The hefty Arvo,now a high ghoul,makes her feel truely helpless. Her small nude hardbod gleams under the Bodyverse moonlight as does her glossy black hair. She knows she's some unknown part of the isolated Bodyverse jungle,for large leaves dwarf her and she has no idea what lingers in it. Yes,Arvo played it smart with exquisite captive. Arvo gleefly takes Josephine and rests over his shoulder. She feels the other eyes of ghouls staring at her as she's toted over his shoulder. She feels his strong fingers keeping her muscle thighs lock in his grasp. 

At times Josephine has no choice. This is one of them. 

The High Ghoul Arvo places a bewildered Josephine on his hidious dark dragonfly. Arvo places his small hardbod close to him and Josephine feels his fingers keeping her anchored. Josephine smells a coming rain and she hears a sonic surreal boom of thunder. "Arvo where are we going?" she asks. 

High Ghoul Arvo doesn't react to her question. She struggles as she feels another pair of ghould hands wrap its bolas around her ankles. Arvo and his cult aren't taking chances with her,she realizes. She feels and hear the hmmmmmmmmmmmmm of its gossomar wings. High Ghoul dragonfly steed rises quickly in the air and heads somwhere and that somewhere Josephine has no idea. She has no idea how long she's been with his strange cult,she figures weeks or hours. But time doesn't matter in the Bodyverse it's as if it doesn't exist in the human sense at all. 

A few hours later...

A pennisula comes into her view. As Arvo guides his dragonfly toward a mountain which reminds Josephine of the huge Skull on Skull Island, Now a new more beautiful Skull structure rises out of the jungle not far from the coast. Josephine squirms as his finger gently squeeze her and she moans OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH which seems to echo around her. 

Seconds later...

With her wrists bound behind her the High Ghoul Arvo marches the lovely nude hardbod Josephine toward the the mysterious Skull structure whose eyes appear to be alive. Josephine is memorize with each barefoot step she takes. She frequently  raises her eyes at the heavens as if she senses either Ozo oor Queen Karina is searching for her.At the sametime the sounds of the large waves crashing on the beach not far from her for now soothe her...

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