Sunday, February 17, 2019

Captive Karina

Somewhere in the unknown jungles of the Bodyverse,amidst the roman like ruins...

Evening has set in and Karina could hear the chilling crys of the carnivore monsters in the dark erotic jungle beyond. As dusk set in the other ghouls lite the their bonfires.
Gorax.the ghoul lord, has long since move her from the pole and now she lays tied spread eagle in his huge tent. Gorax likes to keep her close and thus far she's not been harmed. She feels more like a slave than a captive. Yet she's both.
Karina has payed the price of inheriting ghoul magic. But Gorax isn't as bad as her brother was.  The mist king could care less if she disappeared or had been abducted by others in the Bodyverse. She feels the coolness roll in; she turns her outside toward the tent opening. A cool strong wind blows outside. In the interim Karina use her power of foresight to find Josephine,the real human he wants. She vaguely saw visions of her marching with cyclops. She isn't sure where they are and the cyclops leader Sidra acted like he doesn't want to be found.
As the cool wind howls,Karina shuts her eyes and lets the cool breeze in the tent engulf her. Though she has the power to break her bonds she doesn't. For she doesn't want to offend Gorax. For now she's still his paramour and slave. She learn long ago not to disturb the ranks of power. Even with her brother the Mist King she didn't dare cross him and acted as his soothsayer.
At the sametime Karna felt an affectionate attraction for Gorax she couldn't explain. Back in Hadrian;s Rome she never really had a real lover. As a slave in Rome she was close to becoming a Roman citizen. Had her life had been different if she had been granted freedom? She wonders. Still she misses the food smells of the market places and going with the Emporer outside the walls of Rome. She has no regrets of fooling with magic. At least here she has some freedom.
 She feels Gorax standing over her perfect curvy nude hardbod. Gorax stripped her of her purple lace cloak. No matter she's still a sensous sorceress none the less.
She opens her eyes and says "I've found Josephine of Earth."
 "Where?" Gorax declares.
"She's with the cyclops Sidra but in this vast jungle I don't know where they are." Karina says.
 "Good work my Karina."
She feels his lips kiss hers and Gorax cuts her bonds. She stretches her limbs and strolls outside the tent. For the first time she enjoys the cold wind blowing against her face,body and her hair. It's only a matter that Josephine would be theirs.

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