Sunday, January 5, 2020

Red Nymphs Grab Katie

Somewhere in the wilds of the Bodyverse a few weeks later....

After midnight under a full moon.

Katie has no idea how long she's been with the Trolls. She's already lives up to her sensous reputation of the jungle with them. Now they're camped for the night and she rests against huge stone broken column. She can't help the sense of being watched. As if something phantom like and unknown has been following them for sometime. Yet she can't escape the trolls for she's bound with heavy bolas around her wrists and ankles.
Whoever attacks them tonight she knows she's ripe and vulnerable for the taking.
So Katie glances around the edges of the jungle to see any unfamiliar eyes staring back at them. Sometimes the Bodyverse is survival of the fittest. Like a crazy video game. But her reality here is real and she knows it. A reality she desired to escape.
Suddenly she catches some yellow eyes staring back at her in the eerie darkness. Then they disappear like a ghost--
"Something going to happen," She murmurs softly.
The bright moon hathes her bronze nude hardbod. Strangely the moon has calming effect but not enough for her to drift asleep.

Seconds later...
A fire arrow shoots out of the darkness and strikes the camp. The trolls are still asleep and some die in thier sleep as the fire engulfs a few of them. The strange smoke keeps the trolls subdued.
 "I don't like this," Katie whispers.
Katie is startled is when some strong powerful fingers grasp her and movments later she finds herself resting on an unknown strong shoulder. She shrieks EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee but her screams go unanswered as the intruder disappears into the jungle.
 A voice booms "Bring the hardbody babe to me."
Katie realizes she's been taken by some renegade red nymphs. She gazes behind her and sees the surreal color of the troll camp fire. Before Katie could utter another word she's transferred to the powerful Red Nymph leader. She lays now on the mane of his horned horse still bound and inviting. She feels his cool fingers on her bare ass.
 As the fires burn,the Red Nymphs gallup  off with Katie as thier new found sensous prize of the jungle. She has no idea what the ruffians would do her....

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