Sunday, September 22, 2019

Josephine in Bondage

Somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse several early evenings later...

Shoko conquered Josephine on his sweet perfume bed and she lays on her bareback. She lays nude,her curvy hardbod glistening. She figures that the enigmatic Shoko used to a spell on her to keep her calm and willing to him. With her immortal hardbody she can continue sex for a few extra hours pass her earth normal phyiscal limits.
She's conquered that she can't fight.
She feels his black ship descend for a landing in a realm of the Bodyverse she's unfamiliar with. As she rises up on his bed she feels his live statue staring and smiling back at her. Smiling at the fact she's been conquered by the powerful force of Shoko.
When Shoko enters his room,Joesphine crawls out of his bed and stands placing her wrists behind her back. Her will can't no longer resist him no matter how hard she's try.
  "I'm ready for our journey my master." Josephine declares softly.
  Shoko smiles at her obedience. His sexual conquest of her has payed off. The wizard now stands behind her and she feels his silk bolas wrap around her wrists. She feels his huge cool hand on her bare shoulder and she force marches out upon deck,then steers her toward the plank. She sees a red wing hyprid beattle with a scorpion's tail waiting for them.

  They march down toward his winged hybrid beattle. Seconds later Josephine lays over its saddle. Before Shoke climbs Josephine feels another pair of silk bolas wrap around her ankles tightly. Josephine doesn't move her legs. She feels like she's in bondage by her her powerful master. '
 Shoko climbs up and she feels his cool huge hand on her bare ass. She gazes around as he pulls his reigns and his steed ascends into the air. Josephine sqirms under his powerful hand.
"Where are we going?" She crys.
Shoko doesn't say as he steers his beattle toward what appears mountains and beach not far from the ominious unfamiliar jungle. Josephine feels she's somewhere at the other part of the world,she's never been. As she gazes at the ominious jungle below her,she yearns to be back in it. She feels his hand grip her tightly as she feels his hybrid beattle steer in another director but more toward the surreal beach and surreal ocean. She sees now the larger moons which dot the skys of the Bodyverse. She feels his beattle increase in speed and next thing she sees strange black castle jut out of the surreal ocean near the surreal beach.
Moments later...
 Once his beattle lands on some flat rock at the surreal castle,huge waves splash against his castle. Josephine feels a strange knife cut her ankle bolas off. She's manhandle gently to her barefeet.
  The mysterious wizard marches the nude harbody through a huge ancient arch. Josephine doesn't deviate since his huge blade is a few meters from her back. She marches toward strange door. Shoko points his finger and the door opens as if by magic. Josephine glances around his surreal castle on the sea. The huge waves telegraph to her it would be a risky escape. She enters the door and now marches up some stone steps...
Seconds later...
  Josephine now finds herself chained to a huge ball. The powerful chains pull Josephine back against it At the sametime she feels water splash on her constantly and she glances outside the veranda,a huge wave splashes water in. She feels she can't escape him and with the surreal ocean at one end. Shoko has made it impossible.

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