The surreal plains of the Bodyverse hours later...
A high bright moon hangs in the heavens bathing the surreal plains creating surrealness of pyschodelic colors Katie comprehends as she stands a few meters from a group of broken bizarre ruins in the man made creator below.
Her nude hardbody gleams like a rare jewel as she stands. She doesn't know if Gosha and his party had stop for the night or what. She doesn't attempt to escape for at night the strange Bodyverse jungle is inhabited with bizarre carnivores of various sorts. To her they're monsters from her nightmares and she doesn't want to thier morsal.
She feels a beastman clamp his hands around his arms holding her still. Gosha smiles as he puts a choker around her neck and then a strong lace rope with a hook on her choker. With her wrists firmly bound,and now a leash around her neck Katie knows there isn't no escape.
"Where are you taking your mate?" Katie asks.
He points to a strange door embedded in the man made crater. She could only speculate lies behind the door within the bizarre ruins. Out of no a misty rain and fog roll in and Gosha takes this as a sign for covering. No,he doesn't want to loose his exotic Katie of Eatth.
Katie feels the gentle pull of leash and she follows Gosha,the Beastman downward into the bizarre surreal crater. The broke busts and broken monoliths don't tell her much of what lived here. She stops behind Gosha as he opens the strange door. They enter and the door shuts automatically. The neon torch lighted corridor leads to some antrium ahead as she follows Gosha. She keeps her head bow as she clutches his bolas which he wrapped around her wrists. She feels like a captured slave in the Roman ages being brought to market by some buyer. But she belongs to the beasteman that's the reality of it and she's faced it.
Moments later...
Gosha knows what he's doing. First he positions her between to ancient poles and cuts the bolas and raises each of her wrists slides them into a long chain ringlets. Once he removes his choker least she struggles to break free but can't. She feels the beastman's hand now engulf her. She feels his lips on her neck as he holds. He smells her sweet skin and she murmurs "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."
But Gosha refuses to listen to her pleas and his conquest of her begins Katie quickly gives in with a seductive murmur: "Free me and you can conquer me Great Gosha of the Beastman. I'm for the taking."
His sexual prowess overwhelms her mind and body as she softly screams with satisfaction....
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