Deep in the erotic jungle of the Bodyverse...somewhere...
In the strange fungi cave Brohm had tied a struggling Josephine to a strange,tropical rose covered pole. With her barefeet in the soft ooze she finds it impossiple to move,the hideous ghoul Brohm clasps her pronounce nude hardbod.
"Nooooooooooooooooooooo." she softly murmuts, "you can't have me," The more she risits the ooze and tropical roses glow. Josephine feels her will weaken despite her resistance to the ghoul's advancments; as she struggles she finds herself giving in as she feels his huge claws grip her,Josephine moans "I'm yours." As she warmly embraces the ghoul a suureal body tattoo forms on her nude hardbod, She gazes wide eyed as the tattoo forms minimally respersentimg the surreal tropical rose.
"I submit myself to you," Josephine coos. "I'm yours great Brohm."
The fungi pole releases the sexy tattooed Josephine, An eager Brohm breaks a vine from the fungi pole and reties the hardbody babe as she stands at the torriental rain. Brohm grips her arm and narches her back to his lizard steed, To Josephine's surprise her tattoo doesn't wash off, Brohm cradles her in his arms and leaps on his lizard steed; she doesn't resist nor squrm as Brohm eagerly lays her on her chest. With his claw resting on the small of her she feels hus wet claw keeping her anchored and close. She feels his lizard lumber forward as the torriteninal rain pelts her. As his claw asserts his control she tenses her muscles and Josephine moans OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
With the torritental rain pouring and a mist settling in the jungle which made things difficult to determine where her captor is taking her, A strange twilight makes her small body glow.
I'm in a world of no rule,she thinks. A primitive jungle world where I'm the naked prey.
Josephine doesn't resist the ghoul's kisses,
The torrential rain gradually cleats and she sees an orange color desert. "Where are we?" She burts out. The surreal orange color desert stretch into the infinite and mountains larger thsn the Rockies and the Himalayas, The huge face of a huge planet rises in front of her,
Josephine thinks aloud: "I'm in other solor system."
She feels Brohm stroke her glistening soaken wet back. "Take me to an oasis so I cn be your goddess of satisfaction."
With that Brohm kicks his lizard anf moves into the orange desert.
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