Somewhere deep in the erotic Bodyverse...weeks later.
Josephine waits as Orvo falls into a deep sleep.
She quietly moves toward a huge bust stature with water flowing out of it. She peers down the open hole and sees swirling water. She jumps into the yawning mouth and plummets into the crystal azure water. Suddenly she feels a very strong current sweep her along...she gasps for air as she swims within the crystal water as the current sweeps her somewhere. The powerful current sweeps her toward a drop off opening. Munutes later her small hardbod shoots downward into the ocean with the bay.
Josephine surfaces and catches her breath. The journey had been short and fast.
Then to her surprise she's swept into another current and she battles the huge waves as the strange current pulls her father down the bay. Seconds later she feels the current weakening and she breaks away quickly and let's the wave crash her against the beach. Once Josephine lands on the beach she rolls on her bare back and feels the cools rays of the moons above. Josephine has no idea of what time,she feels its sometime after midnight. But still time alludes her.
After resting against the sand, she rises upward. The wind blows her nude curve hardbod dry and she sees a strange orange path meters away from her. She strolls onto it and says,"At least Orvo will not find me now." Josephine breathes a sigh of releif as she strolls down the strange orange path. The deeper she goes into the orange and black jungle. Already she sees huge oval pumpkins that are twice as big as she is.
She has no idea she's being watch nor what land she's in. It reminds her of Halloween. So far things have been quiet. She now rests against a giant tree. Suddenly a hand clasps her mouth. A dark voice says "Don't move."
The powerful red faced witch scares Josephine. She now stands erect as she feels her wrists being bound again behind her back. "March my little pretty."
Josephine feels the witche's strong hand on her wrist and shoulder and she marches with no choice. The dark figure disappears with her into the strange Halloween jungle. Josephine could only guess why the witch wants her.