Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Rohm finds Katie

 Deep in the wild erotic jungles of the Bodyverse....afternoon...

Katie has no idea where she is as follows a current of an underground tunnel and she guides with the warm water current she sees light at the cavern's end and she swims fervently as if she's fleeing from something which is the story of her life. She breaks out of a large water cavern into even something as larger lake. She feels her muscle pains in her arm and legs quickly disappear due to the weird stream she jump into hours ago. 

Yet it feel like days to her. 

She avoided the dangers of the deep especially of the larger predator fish and octupi that occupied the water. Now she feels lost within the weird world. Still she didn't throw off her hunters pursuing her for she feel thier close but she isn't sure. She doesn't know if its ghoul,goblin or a cult sect. Likely suspects who love the babe hardbodies. She fears the witch and warlocks the worst of the bodyverse. 

She crawls the grass mushroom shore of the lake. She feels exhaustion take over as her nude muscled hardbod glistens under a setting sun. Katie crawls on top of a large mushroom and drifts asleep. For now she feels safe but she doesn't know for how long. 

Hours later...

Katie stirs awake in a moonlit beautiful jungle. It's unfamiliar and she knows she's deeply lost. She has no idead whee she is and she dreads venturing into the strange erotic jungle. Even in daytime it's dangerous for her but she feels the night is more worst. She rises up refresh as she hears the larger roars of carnivores looking for food. 

"I better leave," Katie murmurs. 

She wanders into the unfamiliar jungle. The larger jungle trees create shafts of moonlight and the moonlight lights up eerie stone ruins which she strays into. She's unaware of the danger that lingers. Or the hunter that has been looking for her. It had been near a stone structure where the armed ghouls find her,. 


Suddenly several ghouls surround Katie, and quickly one of them binds her wrists hehind her bareback. The captured exotic hardbody marches through the ruins and one the hunters "Rohm we found a hardbody for you." 

Katie struggles with her binds but she couldn't break them. The ghoul called Rohm takes Katie as his and marches her toward a post. Her chain binds are linked to hook and her ankles are wrapped with vines around ankles pushing her erect. 

  "Oh how lucky the night has brought us," Rohm states as he stares exotic redhaired Katie as terror fills her... 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Isla of Kamal

 Somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse jungle...afternoon...

Josephine curses her fate. The shadow of Kamal,the mysterious ghoul, dwarfs her nude perfect small hardbod as she marches forward. She feels the endless jungle around her yet ahead of her she sees a vast shaft clearing a kilometer ahead of her. 

The sametime she feels his long spear axe meters from her. Josephine knows escape is futile; yet Kamal save her life. She's trapped in a rock and a hard place becouse of it. So she let the ghoul have her. Though she's now his lovely captive she's in his debt. 

"Where are we going my master?" Josephine asks. 

"You'll find out my sexy beast." Kamal intones. 

They con't to follow the path and not far Josephine swears she hears the sound of surf,ocean just a few meters away or farther. There had been times the jungle confuse her since it plays with own sense of direction. 

She feels his hand land on her bare shoulder and steer her down a short path. She tenses as she grips her bolas. Josephine sees a large shadow at the end of the path and its head turns and she feels its eyes staring at her hungrly. 

"Sleep Joesphine of Earth." Kamal intonses softly. 

She passes out. 

Mintues later...

Josephine stirs awake on the mane of his bird. She feels his hand on her bare ass as she feels the wind rip her black hair. She gazes below and sees a beautiful ocean with wildlife below. Josephine squirms but his larger than life fingers keep her place. 

Thier journey feels short for his bird lands on a tourquois beach. Josephine realizes that Kamal has his own island. 

She doesn't question him as she rests on her barefeet. "March." He orders. 

Josephine grips her bolas as she marches under the shadow of Kamal. Kamal's has his own island or isla and Kamal controls it and she must be his his hardbod foil. She doesn't say anything as she strolls forward. 

Josephine trys not to think what's ahead. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Josephine's Troubles in the Jungle

 Deep somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse twilight hours...

 She and strange Elf Lock whatever it is made out for several days in his private part of the garden which blended with the jungle. Josephine lost track of time of how long she's been with her elf lover and yet she sense the mysterious ghoul lord Kamal not far. She sense that he had been watching her... then the strange feeling disappeared. 

Josephine stirs awake from a long sleep. To her surprise the Elf Lock is still asleep. She hears and sees the roaring crystal stream in front of her. She sees her chance to escape and she takes it. Josephine quickly reaches the crystal stream and swims across the shore into the beautiful jungle with its colors around her. Despite Kamal searcching for her,she had take a chance to escape the lunatic. 

She reaches the shore with no problem and quickly makes her distance between her and elf lock. Her nude hardbod glistens from the water. She sees the stranger larger shadows and hears the blood curtle roars of cretures of unseen but come out in the night. 

Suddenly Josephine feels a a thick tenticle vine wrap around her lithe waste and she screams EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE as she sees a strange carnivore plant has her in his grasp. "Oh,No," She murmurs as she struggles madly as she sees larger mouth of the hungry giant plant. She figures her fate has been sealed. 

But not quite... 

Jusr as the stange plant brings his small human morsal to his mouth, something clips the tenancle and it falls clutching Josephine. She lays bewildered and she realizes at the sametime Kamal the Ghoul has found her. Josephine realizes her own troubles are getting started. 

Josephine stands erect as Kamal puts a small flower in her black hair and then she let's him clasp her wrist behind back and he agressively ties her wrists. The sexy hardbody doesn't move she knows Kamal wanted her and she couldn't escape that fate...

"Josephine of Earth you should be more careful of the jungle my dear," Kamal declares. 

As the carnivore plant falls to its death, Josephine now marches under her real master. She knows sooner or later he would find her. Tonight he did. 

 "March my little one," Kamal intones. 

Josephine complys as the two disappear under the rising moon of the Bodyverse.... 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Rohm the Goul(alt tale)

 Somewhere in the erotic Bodyvrse..twilight 

Josephine has no idea who saved her. As she stirs over its shoulder, the muscle creature whatever it is, she feels it large hand on her legs as she struggles. Josephine tenses her nude hardbod as she becoimes more councious from the water. She calms down as the myserious creature who saved her seems to be finding them some safeheaven...

For Josephine there is such thing of safehaven. 

Once the creature finds its path he puts Josephine down of her barefeet and she surprised that a cyclops has save her from a fate worst than death. "Who are you?" She asks. 

"I'm Brahm the Cyclops." 

"I'm Josephine of Earth," She answers. She feels the larger cyclop's eye on her small nude bod. With larger creatures Josephine knows she's at a disadvantage. But the mysterious cyclops saved her and she doesn't care at this point. She wants to make out with him. 

Still Josephine feels another pair of eyes stalking her. Something lurking in the jungle darkness dying to get thier paws on the small hardbody/ 

Brahm finds a place near a small crystal lake. As Josephine lays on her bareback she glances at the lake which feels larger than it looks. 

Josephine let Brahm the Cyclops get on top of her. The two quickly embrace and the cyclops rolls with Jospehine in his hands and she sits on top of him. She glances briefly to the jungle darkness she feels a pair eyes staring at her. 

"You made a mistake saving me, something is coming for me." 

She returns her kisses to the cyclops when ghoulish intruders appear around them. Josephine panics as a strong ghoul pulls Josephine off. She stands as her new captor binds her wrists behind back. The unknown ghoul tosses Josephine over his shoulder. She feels her body gleam under the twilight. 

"Take her to Rohm he wants her." 

Shs striggles over the ghoul's shoulder as she gasps at the Cyclops quick death. How ghouls know of her she doesn't know. 

She feels another pair of ghoul hands lifting her and placing her close to him. She feels the ghoul's eyes staring down at her in delight as she feels his fingers on her bare ass. "I'm Rohm that's all you need to know my Josephine of Eaeth." 

A hidious laugh follows. 

She feels a sense of dread as she feels his powerful fingers keeping her in her place. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Priceless Hardbody of the Elf Warlock

 Deep in the surreal strange Halloween like jungle of the Neververse...hours 

  An eager goblin and ghoul automatically seperate with the perfect small nude hardbod Josephine who doesn't question them. A cool,wet hand grips her shoulder and steers down an unfamiliar stone path now lined with various size pumpkins. The strong grip keeps thier bound booty in place as she force marches willingly. 

"Where are we going?" She blurts. 

"The Elf Warlock wants you babe of earth." 

Josephine doesn't reply at all. She marches with her regal escorts with the fact that Warlock now has layed claim to her like a Roman slave. She shudders at the thought what would this warlock would do with her but often forces of the jungle overrule her when she's captured. Frequently Josephine scanned the skys for she knows Kamal the ghoul wants her as well. 

Being trapped between these two is horror enough for her. 

Her captor escorts keep her on the stone path. She tried to deviate but thier larger hands push her back on her restance to them can't handle thier powerful restraints. Already against her will she made out with one against her will. Yet in this world she doesn't have choice. She's at the mercy of this jungle and alien world she fell into long ago it seems. 

She sees a ruined castle drawing closer. She could almost sense the telepahatic sense of the mysterious Elf Warlock. She now figures it's Elf Warlock that lured her and her couriour back to this jungle so this mysterious entity can claim her. 

A courtyard garden minutes later...

"Do you have my Josephine of Earth?" The creature in flowery throne chair declares. 

"We have." 

With Josephine between them,they approach the creature knows as the Elf Warlock. 

Her escorts present sexy hardbod Josephine to her new master. 

"What do you want of me?" Josephine demands. 

Instead the Elf Warlock hustles his Josephine along with him. 

Josephine boasts "Kamal the ghoul is going to find me for I belong to him." 

"You belong to me my lovely and this Kamal you speak of is fiction." 

"I wouldn't be so sure," Josephine adds as she force marches off with the Elf Warlock somewhere in his vast garden of jungle tropical flowers and stone. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

What Draego Wants,Draego Gets

 Deep in the erotic Bodyverse jungle somewhere...days laer. 

In a field of tulips surrounded by the huge twisting trees, Katie and the Red Nymph make out. Katie lays hardbod nude on the grass at his mercy. She mumbles "More,more" The Red Nymph gives Katie what she wants and she struggles under his hands and lips,she lets out her sensusal sigh. 

She fears something else is hunting them. Something vaguely familiar. Yet something that wants her back. 

Katie shoves the thought in the back of her mind. She forces the Red Nymph on the ground and she madly agreessively kisses him as if the nymph is her human lover. Still Katie frequently glances up at the sky for she feels her hunter coming close and he feels her as well. 

Draego sweeps low over the jungle on his dragonbat, his eyes and mind searching for her. He feels that she close and he knows she isn't alone. He knows it's just the two of them and he knows how to deal with her lover. Draego grins as his own telepathy senses that she's very close. This hardbod isn't going to escape him this time....

They both didn't see the danger coming. 

A giant shadow swept over them as Katie glances up. She feels his strong presence. "Draego has found us" she murmurs softly. Draego lands his dragonbat not far from them; Katie rises petriefied of being found. Katie knows she can't escape him now. 

The Red Nymph tried to take him on in battle but Draego's lightiening bolt slams the Red Nymph into a tree and Draego turns his hand and twists the tree root to kill hm. 

Katie trys to flee but Draego quickly lassos her and pulls her back. Seconds later Kaitie stands hardbod nude as she feels Draego's hand rebound her wrists behind her naked back. 

"You belong to me Kaite of Earth." 

She doesn't say anything as she marches like a recaptured Roman slave who fled her master. Draego guides her to his dragonbat. Seconds later she squirms under his long fingers which rest on her bare ass as her auburn hair glows. 

She feels Draego's strange steed ascend into the heavens. She murmurs "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as his long tongue licks her cheek. 

For her escape has a price. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Mysteriously reclaimed by the Halloween Jungle

 Somewhere in the surreal skys of the erotic Bodyverse....

Out of nowhere the strange storm with bright orange lighitening appeared out of no where like magic. 

The ghoul courior has a hard time holding onto Josephine due to turbelence. The powerful turbelence kicks them both like peas in boiling water. Josphine gasp as the strange lightening bolts dance closer. Then out of nowhere a giant cloud in the form of a hand reaches and its fingers pluck off the ghoul from the steed. 

Josephine screams as she feels solid fingers grasp her firmly off the wing steed. As the cloud hand descends toward a vaguely familiar jungle, she feels large fingers morph into a huge bird talons as it grips her nude small hardbod. A bewildered Josephine doesn't know what to think. As the large shadowy bird grips her small strugging hard bod, the black haired Josephine feels the bird descend toward an open clearing with large orange mushroom fungi. 

She figures something has interrupted her journey to Kamal and something wants her extremely bad, desires her against her wishes. The large shadowy bird sweeps over the familiar orange and green dreaded Halloween Jungle. The large bird sweeps low and drops Josephine to the ground with a soft thud. 

She rests on the ground dazed. She rubs her bead briefly as she feels a brief headache. She rests like an aphrodite on the ground staring at the larger mushrooms which dwarf her size. She murmurs softly, "Oh no I'm back in the Halloween jungle and I hate this place." 

She rises up from the soft grassy ground and the sun blazes her incredible muscle curves her small hardbod. Once again she knows she's at the mercy of this jungle. As if fate played a twist on her. To her surpise her bounds are gone. Still something summon her back here and that she dreads. 

Josephine ventures back into jungle pass the mushrooms. Her eyes dart here and there for can't shake the feeling of being stalked. She knows the creature of jungle love to capture a sensual harbod like her a fate she could never escape. 

Suddenly garish shadows of ghouls and goblins surround her and take her by surprise. Larger goblin with a painted face quickly ties her wrists behind her bareback. Other members of thier tribe force Josephine along another orange path. 

"What do you want of me?" Josephine demands. 

She doesn't get an answer except a strong foot kicks her forward and Josephine complys as the tribe disappears with her into the surreal dark Halloween jungle.